About Esther

Esther Rockett is an investigator and writer who is passionate about protecting the public from cults and health scams

Based in Sydney, Australia, Esther was a health practitioner for almost 20 years. She has a major in Religious Studies from the University of Queensland with special interests in Eastern religions, New Religious Movements and cults.

Esther campaigns to improve protections for patients and clients of health services. She believes authorities are not doing enough to protect the vulnerable from exploitation, privacy invasion and treatment room abuses, including sexual abuse.

Activism against Universal Medicine

Esther became concerned about the Universal Medicine organization after disturbing experiences in the treatment room and at a healing workshop of Universal Medicine leader, Serge Benhayon. At the time of those experiences in 2004-5, unregistered health practitioners in NSW were unregulated and there were no avenues for complaints.

Her battle to expose UM has featured in dozens of news reports. She blogs at Universal Medicine Accountability and the Universal Medicine Cult Exposed websites. Her videos on UniMed and on defamation law are available on her YouTube channel. 

Benhayon v Rockett defamation proceeding

November 2015, Benhayon filed a defamation claim against Esther which went to a six week trial from 3 September 2018. Esther won, successfully defending all publications complained of and proving the majority of the defamatory imputations substantially true. The trial and its aftermath was widely reported in the press.

Two of Benhayon’s followers, Caroline Raphael and Ray Karam also filed a defamation claim at the District Court of Queensland, Brisbane in December 2016. The proceeding was dismissed by order of the court in November 2018.

Healthcare rights

Esther seeks better public protections from cults and health scams

Esther  has made submissions to public representatives including to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into False and Misleading Health Related Information and the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council consultation on a draft national Code of Conduct for unregistered health practitioners.

Some of the recommendations from her submissions:

  • Improved definitions of sexual misconduct for health practitioners
  • Higher penalties for misconduct
  • Criminalization of inappropriate touching in healthcare settings
  • Prohibition of touching of erogenous areas as a psycho-therapeutic or any other healing technique, and specifically as ‘therapy’ for recovery from sexual abuse
  • Restricting practitioners providing therapy for sexual abuse recovery to those with special accreditation, who are accountable to AHPRA or a recognized professional body
  • Better protections for patients who are subjected to financial, psychological, sexual or spiritual exploitation by health service providers
  • Improved protections for whistleblowers and higher penalties for those who attempt to harass or intimidate complainants
  • A more efficient and accessible complaints system
  • Protection for children in exploitative groups

Esther believes patients have a right to safety in healthcare settings and that patients need to be better aware of their rights. Patients also have a right to clear information about a practitioner’s competence and the efficacy of the modalities they practice.

Healers who harm

The power imbalance between practitioner and patient is easily exploited. With increased commercialization and competition in the industry, operational overheads have risen and practitioners increasingly misrepresent their competence and over-service patients.

Unconscionable health practitioners mislead consumers with bogus therapeutic claims, spread misinformation, instil a treatment dependency, and exploit or abuse the vulnerable. Some attempt to intimidate or silence people like Esther who try to protect members of the public.

Cults, harmful groups and healthcare

A number of harmful groups offer health services as a recruitment gateway. They lure the vulnerable with deceptive claims and use insidious forms of indoctrination to make clients dependent on their therapies. Such services often make grand claims of sure-fire or ‘miracle’ cures. They sometimes instil fear, dissuading clients from seeking legitimate healthcare and telling them their victims that they will suffer terrible consequences unless they keep consuming whatever the cult is offering.

Cults often exist within a regulatory vacuum because victims justifiably fear retaliation if they come forward. In her submissions to state and federal parliament, Esther has asked that regulatory bodies recognize the characteristics of cults and their far reaching harms.

Universal Medicine – a case study for the need for improved regulation

Universal Medicine is a multimillion dollar international enterprise based in Lismore, NSW. It’s headed by self-styled healer, Serge Benhayon, who has claimed to be the reincarnation of Leonardo Da Vinci and is regarded as a messiah by his followers. It engages in misleading advertising of its harmful occult healing services. The group has received media coverage from more than ten media organizations over a number of controversies, including Esoteric Breast Massage and the harassment of complainants and journalists.

Esoteric Women’s Health services are the main gateway for recruitment to UM. Esoteric healing practices include inappropriate touching of sexual abuse victims. Followers take their children to UM events where Benhayon lectures explicitly on sex and sexual violence, and where exorcistic practices take place. They send their juvenile daughters to stay in Benhayon’s home. Benhayon’s current wife first moved into his home at age 13.

The group operates two charities; the College of Universal Medicine in Australia, and the Sound Foundation Charitable Trust in the UK. Both are tax exempt fundraising fronts for UM’s commercial premises, and have been subject to regulatory actions as a result of Esther’s complaints to authorities.

Esther had first hand experience of UM in 2004 and 2005 and identified it as a harmful group. She has been investigating UM and blogging since 2012 has made a number of official complaints that have had successful regulatory outcomes. In retaliation UM management and associates harassed Esther with a campaign of defamation and attempted to have her prosecuted  before bringing their unsucessful legal actions. Esther was bankrupted by the legal proceedings.

Esther is calling for improved accountability for healthcare providers. She would like to see the establishment of a federal regulatory body to monitor high demand exploitative groups, and she believes cults and other harmful organisations should be stripped of the tax free charity status that sees taxpayers subsidise secretive cultures of abuse.

11 thoughts on “About Esther

  1. You think you’re doing something good for the world by fighting people who have different beliefs to you, but you’re just wasting your time, life and energy by focusing on other people. Go spend your time making your own life a more rich experience and stop trying to prove someone elses ‘spiritual experience’ wrong, because you never can. You may as well try convince Christians that God isnt real, or tell Buddhists that Buddha was a fake. Its all just your opinion. Go home and re-think your life

    1. Hi, thanks for commenting. To correct some of your misconceptions – if you take a look at the Our Mission page, you’ll see my concerns are about behaviours, not beliefs. Unless you consider tax rorts, misleading advertising, undue influence, child neglect, bogus health claims, bullying and inappropriate touching to be ‘beliefs’. The same page lists the outcomes – regulatory actions etc. that have resulted from my official complaints and notifications. None of those are related to religious beliefs.

      You call it ‘fighting people’, I call it investigating, exposing and calling for accountability.

      Finally, thank you for your judgement on my life choices, and how I choose to use my time, but I disagree. I would say the exposure of exploitative activities has very much enriched my life experience. You’d have to agree from the list on the Our Mission page, I’ve achieved some very good regulatory outcomes. I’ve also learned lots of new skills, it’s enabled me to help lots of folks and has made me tons of exceptionally cool new friends. All of whom are capable of thinking for themselves.

      Look, if there comes a time when the mismatch between the little voice of your conscience and what you’ve been told by the group is who you ‘truly are’ becomes difficult to deal with, you’ll find I have a sympathetic ear, and what you’ve been led to believe about me is not the case at all.

      Okay? Get in touch some time.

  2. Is it at all hypocritical to accuse someone of running a cult to make income, then asking directly for funding to cover legal costs for your accusations? _ not on anyone’s side here at all..but that seems hypocritical to me

      1. I know what a cult is very well because i belong from a country where cults are very common…i will admit you are doing a great and courageous act…keep it up girl..

  3. Thank you Esther for amazing courage, tenacity and unjust self-sacrifice in pursuing truth, integrity and responsible accountability for exploitive cults.

    Also for providing an avenue to express all (as opposed to distorted / out of context) truth, despite extremely defensive retaliatory vitreol & evasive spin on cult blogs (“He that doth protesteth too much…”).

    What you are doing is brave and risky but necessary to ensure checks and balances are enhanced to ensure cult transparency and honesty.

    Especially as “dodgy cults” (as referred to by Professor Dwyer) have a vested interest in remaining under the radar and white-washing the “truth” (as evidenced by only positive on-line comments approved).

    It is unfair if you are blamed for (what some would consider to be) occasional inappropriate / offensive comments / lies. If a cult is full of light, love and integrity as it desperately attempts to portray, lies will be evident to most or all.

    The recent spotlight on UM is starting to expose unpalatable, embarrassing truth (which the community has a right to know). That it seems to target the vulnerable, traumatized, sick, fearful and terminally ill / wealthy. That health professionals compromise integrity and professionalism engaging in poor quality research, failing to disclose conflict of interest, breaching patient confidentiality (by inappropriately disclosing private information) and referring to non-evidence based “therapies”. All to generate false credibility and to please their self-anointed leader who believes he is Leonardo da Vinci, etc (and above the law).

    Rather than verbally denigrating Esther Rockett casting her as a “cyber-bullying troll” with “psychological problems”, how about generate some respect by ceasing projection and promoting responsible critical self-reflection.

  4. Hi i just want to say how pleased i am that someone is standing up against people and organisations that take advantage of the vulnerable people and also use the system to avoid paying tax. There are so many churches popping up everywhere and i believe they should be monitored to ensure they are legitimate and not just there to abuse the system and the vulnerable.

  5. Hello
    Iam with you.
    Yes that man serge benhaun he looks crook brainwashing to naive
    There was a similar program tv about the same crook style of a man in canada watch in youtube expedition unknown brother 12

    Danny dafni

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